Monday, February 2, 2009

The Battle at Appomattox Results in Surrender!

Finally, the war is over! I have been advocating an early end to this war for a long time now, and at last it is over. Now that the Confederacy is defeated, we can abolish the abomination of slavery and then begin to reunite the country. But we must not punish the South now that the war is over. The right thing to do is to offer amnesty and begin to rebuild our country. Although there is still work to be done, this is a moment of great triumph. "We are a nation no longer divided against itself, but one, indivisible, united, free."

Horace Greeley: Champion of American Freedom by Robert C. Williams.


  1. How can we every be a single country, united, once again over 630,000 deaths and one million casualties later? The only country you will be able to rebuild is the North for when slavery is abolished, our economy will vanish.

  2. Reconstruction is certainly possible! The South will not disappear, simply reorganize. Thank God this war is over! We certainly have lost enough already.
